How to become Kali Linux Hacker
I hope you are doing well, you are here because you want to be “Kali Linux Hacker”. Most of people heard about Kali Linux they are very excited to know more about Kali Linux. here we will all the things about these terms Kali Linux vs Kali Linux Hacker.
What is not a Kali Linux?

First and important thing you should remember always,
Kali Linux is not tool for hacking:
Yes, This is right Kali Linux is not a tool. Many people asked question to me through social media, emails or forums “Please, teach me Kali Linux tool“. So if you have any such type of thought, remove it fast. because when you know about fact, you will feel shame about your knowledge. If the question is stuck in your mind:
what is Kali Linux? Keep reading I will describe later in this post…
Not a magic Rod:
As per my personal experience, Each and Everyone newbie hacker is looking for a magic rod or magic tool to hack wifi, mobile phone, system and other applications. they are expecting to hack website by using one click, but keep in your mind “Its never possible”
There is no tool in the world, which hack each and everything by click
If he write an article about Reaver tool in Kali Linux, I suggest please read the article first and try to understand about methodology. Don’t expect good and free windows tool for hacking.
Again I am saying:
“It is not a magic rod, which make you Kali Linux Hacker in seconds”
It will not give you password of Social Sites in seconds:
Trust me, If you do an internet search on Facebook hacks you’ll come up with something like 6,16,00,000 search result. and approximately 100k – 1M searches every month as per data of google keyword planner.

After looking data, I realized “how many people are hungry for facebook password”
Another fact, Most of searches are made by newbie hacker, because “a professional hacker will not search for facebook hacking”
At result:
It will not give you password of facebook, gmail, twitter or Instagram in seconds. if you want to hack these sites in seconds, don’t have a single hopes from it.
It is not for website hacking:

Google know very well “what exactly do you want?”. It has strong suggestion techniques to push user according most searches. and you can see website hacking using Kali Linux is most searched keyword on google.
Trust me all these searches done by newbie. because they don’t know about website’s working methodology, Well known vulnerabilities, and exploitation of those vulnerabilities. so they are looking for tool which give the access of website without doing any extra efforts. but it is impossible.
In fact:
Kali Linux will not hack a website for you within seconds, and can’t make a Kali Linux hacker.Hacking is always dependent on vulnerabilities. So if the website vulnerable, you will have a chance to hack it.
It will not make you professional hacker, your own hardwork + knowledge + passion will.
There are lots of bad thoughts people have about it. if you are one of them, who think Kali Linux is for getting password of facebook, gmail, twitter or Instagram accounts. Article is ended for you. If you want to know fact.
Continue …..
What is Kali Linux?

The best answer, you can read at official website What is Kali Linux? but still I want to give an answer.
Kali Linux is a Debian based Operating system, means its derivative of Debian. If you have heard about Ubuntu both are similar. Offensive Security gathered hacking tools and pick Debian Os and launched Kali Linux
This creativity is awesome, newbie or script kiddie hacker dont need to gather tools and install on any Linux OS. Some time tools are not working properly on other OS due to dependency, and people become frustrate. In this case Kali Linux is best option who want to learn and sharp new skills.
How to become Kali Linux Hacker?

You are still reading this articles, show up your interest to become a Hacker. I will not say this time “Kali Linux Hacker” because it is not anytype of hacker category. so if you want to learn Kali Linux show follow the given tips:
- Be familiar with any Linux operating system, may be ubuntu, mint, Arch or even Kali Linux. doesn’t matter but you should know as much as you know about Linux.
- Know basics about Kali Linux like repository, Services – appache, ssh, etc. and read some documentation.
- Know about tools and how they worked, start one by one categories, Read manual page and articles related tools. You will find best tutorial related tools on its documentation. So go ahead =>
- Some types of attacks and its strategy and working methodology. Sniffing, DOS, DDOS etc.
- Know more about exploits, which are exist on Exploit-db
- Generating and Writing Reports!
I have released a basic guidelines, help to reach you at your goal of hacking.
if you have any question, write in the comment box .